Current events and performances of the Scottish Country Dancing Society of Berlin
- Saturday, 15 March, 14;00-18:00: Dance workshop
with BoniLine and Bunte Mischung in the Community hall of St. Bonifatius in Kreuzberg
- Fridays, 28.3. and 4.4.: No dancing because McLarrens are on Holiday
- Fridays, 18.4., 25.4. und 2.5.: No dancing because of Easter holidays und May 1st bridge day
- Friday, 30.5.: No dancing because of Ascension Day bridge day
- Sunday, 20.7.: Family sport fest in Stadium Lichterfelde
- Friday, 18.7.: Last dance before summer vacation
- Friday, 12.9.: Start in the new season
- 3-5 October: Chorin weekend