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Our Laddies' Health (2008)

When you cough
or sneeze
or feel the slightest pain,
most likely
the weather is to blame.

Sometimes the cause might be
bad food, your work,
or increasing years,
but dear laddies
let us ease your fears.

When you are sick
for you we'll cook
sit by your bed and read a book.
Your health, be sure,
we will restore
about such ailments
worry no more.

For there is a malady
far worse
proclaimed by men
to be a curse.

This powerful force
it grips your heart
and may never let it go.
It claws, and tears, and pains you so.

For this disease
there's no simple cure
it is a force
each laddie must endure.

"Deep heart-wrung tears"
it makes you shed
tis an ailment of the heart
and not the head.

It makes you sigh
it makes you moan
"dark despair around
benights thee."

When your "soul is parch'd"
and your sad heart aches
you'll think of only one -
your darling lassie.

Dear laddies pray,
do not despair
in your moment of need
we shall be there.

We'd rather have you
suffer a cold
than from a broken heart.
We want you to grow old
and of our lives be part.

And should we be the ones
who inflict the pain
we'll be the ones
to heal you again.

Please, keep in mind
you are our hearts' wealth
So laddies,
here's to you
and to your health!

Katharina McLarren