50th Anniversary Ball/Weekend, October 11-13, 2024

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Weekend invitation

The anniversary was published in the news blog of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society: "50 years of SCD in Berlin"

Friday Evening Social Dance

In the Quentin Blacke Europe School

Jennifer Hawdon with Grant Crawford & The Kilbryde Scottish Dance Band (also known as the King Ceilidh Barn Dance Band) and Chris McLarren

Saturday Morning Class & Lunch

Also in the Quentin Blacke Europe School

Teacher: Jennifer Hawdon from the RSCDS Branch Cheltenham

Pumpkin soup for lunch

Saturday Evening Ball

The celebration was held in the Tegeler Seeterrassen

Dance Programme

Polonaise / Grand March

Grant Crawford & The Kilbryde Scottish Dance Band / Rena Gerz Traditional Singer

Alan presenting the Golden Berlin Ring written for fiftieth anniversary ball. Special music was composed by Grant Crawford

Bettina and Silke presenting a thank-you to Chris and Angelika: